DiamFab is a start-up company that develops a diamond-based solution for a new generation of power electronics. Created in March 2019, after 2 years and half of incubation, DiamFab was born from the valorization of research work carried out at the Institut Néel from the CNRS laboratory of which it is a spin-off. Based on more than 20 years of R&D, DiamFab is already recognized as one of the leaders in diamond epitaxial growth layers for ultra-technological applications.
In July 2019, DiamFab has been awarded by the Jury’s Grand Prize of a major public technological innovation competition organized by the French Ministry of higher education, research and innovation and BPI (French Public Bank Investment). Only 10 projects among the 468 applications received this supreme distinction. This significant accomplishment represents public recognition of its work as well as financial support from the French government to pursue its R&D work during the coming three years. Although relatively newly created, DiamFab is already involved as a partner in two collaborative research projects dealing with different steps of diamond devices value chain: going from the substrate (ANR TransDiam) to the development of a high energy detector (IRS DiaTel).
- Gauthier Chicot, CEO and founder of DiamFab company.
- Khaled Driche, he joined DiamFab as a CTO and participated in the foundation of the company.
- Juliette Letellier, R&D engineer specialized in semiconductor technologies and diamond growth.
- Jessica Bousquet, contribute to DCADE project as a R&D engineer.