Toulouse, France

The research of the LAPLACE laboratory weaves a « continuum of activities » encompassing the production, transport, management, conversion and use of electricity. The main major themes concern plasma discharges and plasma applications, the study of dielectric materials (polymers, in particular) and their integration in systems, the study and design of electrical systems, environmental analysis and energy management and the design of electrical systems, the optimization of control and power converters.
power converters.
With more than 100 permanent researchers and professors, supported by 46 engineers and technicians and more than 120 PhD students, LAPLACE is the most concentrated electrical engineering research institute in France.
- Nicolas ROUGER, head of power converter research group (24 members) at Laplace.
- Anne CASTELAN, associate professor and expert of modelling, thermal management and cooling for power devices.
- Frédéric RICHARDEAU, senior scientist and expert on the robustness and protection of wide band gap power devices for reconfigurable and integrated critical converter.
- Damien RISALETTO, associate professor and expert on characterisation of wide bandgap power devices.
- Marc COUSINEAU, associate professor and expert on high-voltage integrated circuit designs for power electronic applications, multicellular converter modelling and control, and specific Driver circuit design dedicated to fault tolerance and reliability of converters.
CNRS/Institut NÉEL
Grenoble, France

Institut Néel is the largest research laboratory set up by the CNRS in physics, dedicated to research in condensed matter physics, enriched with interdisciplinary activities at the interface with both chemical engineering and biology. The wide bandgap semiconductor group focuses on a family of semiconductors called wide bandgap (gallium nitride and zinc oxide) and ultra-wide bandgap (diamond, aluminum nitride and gallium oxide).
The driving force is the development of innovative electronic devices based on these materials for power electronics, light emitting devices and sensors.
Our activities include fundamental studies such as heterostructures, electron or exciton transport in nanowires, impurity centers or electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity, as well as the technological developments necessary for the fabrication of devices with tailored electronic properties, such as epitaxial growth with in-situ control, nanofabrication, impurity incorporation and gate oxide deposition. Over the last years, our group has made considerable efforts to promote the most advanced technological bricks of diamond and transfer the know-how to industry.
- Julien PERNOT, professor at University Grenoble Alpes and Institut NEEL/CNRS, head of wide bandgap semiconductor group at Institut Néel.
- David EON, associate professor at University Grenoble Alpes and Institut NEEL/ on the diamond device growth and fabrication for high power electronics.
- Etienne GHEERAERT, professor expert at University Grenoble Alpes and Institut NEEL/CNRS.on the diamond device growth and fabrication for high power electronics.