IRT Saint Exupéry is a foundation for scientific cooperation, created in 2013. It is part of the IRT (Institute for Technological Research) Initiative launched in France in the frame of PIA (Future Invest Plan) to boost high value competitive technological sectors. 8 IRTs have been launched between 2012 and 2013. They are federated through the FIT (French Institute of Technology) association. FIT already attracted more than 400 partners, industrial leaders in their sectors (Major Groups but also SMEs and start-up) and about 100 academic partners (CNRS, Universities …).
Together IRTs constitute a strike force of € 2.5 billion and nearly 1500 employees for research and innovation. In terms of innovation, the IRTs has transferred 106 technologies to the industry, filed 155 patents, published 715 scientific contributions. IRTs are interdisciplinary thematic institutes that develop economic sectors related to their field through a balanced strategic public-private partnership.
For this, they manage research programs coupled with technology platforms, conduct research and development projects at the international level, contribute to the engineering of initial and continuous trainings (qualifying professional training and/or degree delivering) and ensure the exploitation of the obtained results.
IRT Saint Exupéry is a world class excellence centre in Aeronautics, Space and Embedded Systems. Technologies, skills and platforms are developed over three strategic domains: High Performance Multifunctional Materials, More Electrical Aircraft and Embedded Systems. Its world class expertise and technology platforms, as well as its collaborative environment boost the maturation and transfer of breakthrough technologies (TRL 4-6) to its industrial partners
- Jonathan Andrea, senior expert at the IRT in charge of arc plasma activities.
- Laurent Albert, manage the Intelligent Systems and applications team.
- Mohamed Chafik Bakey, Head of Intelligent Systems and Applications Competence Center at IRT Saint Expéry.
- Guillaume Oller, Head of Intelligent Systems and Applications Competence Center at IRT Saint Expéry.